Do you know all the details about your business? Do you know which category to put it in? To decide to start a business, you need to have an idea of individual categories of breakdown. The establishment of a business has many advantages, but today the most popular is the establishment of a capital company, especially a limited liability company, which is gaining popularity due to the abolition of the minimum amount of authorized capital, which until recently was 200,000 CZK. Today, this amount is no longer valid, so you need to set up a company.r.o.It will be enough to deposit the authorized capital in the amount of 1CZK. However, for reliability in a business environment, a higher deposit, for example CZK10,000, is recommended, but everything is left to the consideration of a given entrepreneur.

veselo v kanceláři

Distribution by type of ownership:
* Commercial enterprises and individuals (vos, ks), capital (sro, as)
*State-owned enterprises
Non-profit organizations

Distribution of companies by size:
* Small business – has up to 100 employees and sales of up to 3,000 million CZK
* Medium-sized companies – Up to 500 employees, up to 1 billion CZK in sales
* Large companies – more than 500 employees and more than 100 million CZK sales
Breakdown of companies by sector:
Distribution of companies by performance:
Either goods or services are produced
Breakdown by industry:
* Oil production
posezení u práce
The advantages of obtaining a trade license are speed, simplicity and low cost. The main disadvantages, on the contrary, include, first of all, the impossibility of inheritance. Therefore, if the entrepreneur dies, the built business will cease to exist. If you want to convey your business to the offspring, consider starting or gradually switching to a limited liability company. The whole process is much more complicated, but you are sure that you can leave your business and all the know-how in peace with your family, and all your efforts will end up in good hands.

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