

Money determines our level of life and freedom.The amount of money we pay for health is getting higher. It is no exception that there is no money left for these supplements. PensionersThose who have a low pension of czk8,000-10,000 – will pay a considerable supplement for the drugs prescribed by his doctor. When he subtracts …

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Chinese Economy

Chinese Economy

China is a communist state inspired by the Soviet Union and led by Mao Zedong after World War II . Agricultural production was forcibly collectivized, but could not provide enough food for the growing population. Industry was also nationalized, but failed to achieve the planned growth.When the economy stagnated, Mao attempted the so-called Great Leap …

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Ekonomika bývá pokřivená

Ekonomika bývá pokřivená

Nic na světě neníčplně dokonalé. Vłechno je obojaké,na vłem najdeme nłco dobrého i nłcołpatného. A tak si zkrátka vědycky vybíráme jen to pokud mošno co nejmenčí zlo. Pokud si to máme ukázat třeba na příkladu ekonomiky,pak je to docela zjevné. Skutečná ekonomikaによるměla fungovat tak、že si lidi vydělají peníze、zase je utratí tak、aby se udržela pracovní místa、lidé …

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You might think this is a famous fairy tale character, but it is not. The correct spelling should distinguish it. That fairy tale creature is Ali Baba. Split and spelled with a capital letter. 7] broke sales records by a wide marginI picked up the aforementioned store after reading an article about it. But more …

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