The reality of student life and working life
During their wonderful school years, most members of this young generation enjoyed themselves primarily. They discussed school, love, and future plans over long lunches, enjoyed coffee at cafes, and wrote their theses in the evenings. As a member of society, I sobered up. I don\’t see my friends as much. They get tired after sitting in the office for long periods of time , and on the weekends they recover their strength for the next busy week. Many of them wonder if they want to continue this cycle for the rest of their lives.

Time is money
The generation born between 1980 and 1995 (aka Millennials)are eager to get more out of life. They want more than a well-paying job. Or perhaps they want something a little different than earlier generations. Money and careers are not as important to them as they were to their predecessors. What they are interested inis whether there is one more “benefit” of working today: leisure time. Time for themselves, their hobbies, and their family and friends is a luxury they are not willing to give up. They fear that they will find themselves in the absurd situation of having a high income but no time to spend it.

Experience over stuff
Generation Y does not want to be denied a vacation or start saving for retirement. The age of retirement is constantly moving and life expectancy is increasing on the one hand, but on the other the younger generation cannot count on living to see it.
What is the ideal? Work as a hobby
It is often said that millennials are lazy and try to avoid work at all costs. They claim otherwise. They just don\’t want work to be their sole purpose in life. Moreover, they want to encounter something that is fulfilling and meaningful.