

Do you have a garden, and you do not know what to do with it? We are here to help you, because we all want to have a beautiful garden! This will also make your home stand out. Do you have a garden, and you do not know what to do with it? We are …

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Do you have a garden, and you do not know what to do with it? We are here to help you, because we all want to have a beautiful garden! This will also make your home stand out. Do you have a garden, and you do not know what to do with it? We are …

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Proper communication at Work – the key to success and good relationships

Proper communication at Work – the key to success and good relationships

The approach to subordinates is an individual issue for each company.· Purely formal· Open-access formal·Semi-formal*InformalThis formal approach must be evident in the workplace already in the selection procedure with a given job seeker. Sometimes, the only measure is whether the candidate will be met by a personnel officer or directly by the head of the …

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Large Farm

Large Farm

If you have a house, you will have a garden. Personally, I am not bothered at all if I don\’t have a garden. This is because my partner lives at home and has a small farm and a big garden. All my life I grew up in a really small apartment with my parents and …

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Are CDs dinosaurs?

Are CDs dinosaurs?

In this age of downloading songs in seconds for a pittance or browsing Spotify for free, who still buys CDs?There are still stores that sell CDs, albums, posters, and even collectible records. But who will shop there? Probably some really loyal fans. Besides, CDs can only be played on the radio or on some computers, …

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