株nám říkají minulé civilizace

株nám říkají minulé civilizace

Je velmi zajímavé,zamyslet se z pohledu dnešníhošlověka nad spolešnostmi,kteréznáme z historie jako jiš dávno zaniklé. Můžeme tak dojít například na starověkýエジプト、Řeky、Římany nebo na plno dalších jiných společností,které již dávno neexistují. 私のsi z nich totiž můžeme brát příklad、určitým způsobem se s nimi srovnávat. カシュダ族の住民ジェドノウ・ヴィヒネ、ステイヌ・タク私の。 Jen je načímcílem,aby to bylo za co nejdelčí dobu. Proto je tak …

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Business Plan

Business Plan

A business plan is a very important part of the entire entrepreneurial process. In fact, it is the first and perhaps most important step, and unfortunately, many great ideas fail. Why? There are two reasons. 1) They fail to develop a business plan at all; 2) They fail to develop a business plan at all; …

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Pre-Christmas Marathon

Pre-Christmas Marathon

Most of us yearnfor Christmas. The atmosphere, the food, the family time, the vacations, and the presents; we long for the time when the fourth candle is lit, the green fir trees scent the room, and the sparkling flasks and rustling wrapping paper. Advent wreaths, candles, fir trees, flasks, lights, gifts, food, all must first …

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Familiar Consumption

Familiar Consumption

If you live in the city, everything you need is at hand. Pharmacies, food chains, shopping malls for clothing, and so on. E-shopping is becoming popular in many households. This is because it saves time and effort in shopping. Personally, I like the cash-on-delivery payment method. For example, there are often cases like Wish e-shop, …

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Negative interest rate mortgages are now available

Negative interest rate mortgages are now available

Even though performance is down, investors are buying bonds like crazy. And their prices rise dramatically. What does this behavior suggest?Government bonds of countries with high investment grade ratings, such as the United States and Germany, are known as so-called risk-free assets. The job of investors is to shift from risky assets to such assets. …

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Magazine work

Magazine work

Sometimes it is really hard to create a really good quality, nice and clear website. There is nothing harder than when you are given a task that you don\’t know how to handle. I didn\’t have to be directly in charge of the web because this happened to me so many times. I was in …

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