There are many different kinds of people; in short, each person is completely different. Some people like to be out in the world and are comfortable speaking in front of large groups of people, while others prefer to stay at home and, conversely, are not comfortable speaking in front of large groups of people. There are also cases where people who used to be more extroverted are now completely introverted, and vice versa. Despite being the same people, there are many who are not good at, or rather fear, society.

Sociální fobie

Today we know of many social phobias that people may have. The most well-known is social phobia, also known as social anxiety. This anxiety disorder causes physical and emotional problems in a variety of social situations, including interacting with people, making phone calls, and many other public places. Of course, there are many more such problems that people experience as they encounter problems on a daily basis. People with this illness are aware that they have this phobia or anxiety, but this often prevents them from entering into normal situations, which is exacerbated by low self-esteem.

Sociální fobie

These people become increasingly stressed and fearful. In other words, instead of trying to put them in uncomfortable situations, one should help them cope with such situations. However, it is now possible to successfully treat this disease. Of course, this is not true. Today, the problem is most often treated with group psychotherapy, which has had the greatest success, or psychopharmacotherapy in more severe cases, or a combination of psychopharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. So the disease is still treatable today. Of course, professionals as well as neighbors can help these people. They may not be able to cure them completely, but they can always support them.

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