When money is involved, joking should be put aside. However, there are situations where people who care about money seem as if they don\’t care about money. They act unwise, if not insane. Perhaps the idea is that someone will eventually pay the bill for their losses, so they don\’t need to worry about it.

You want examples. Then there should be one. Let\’s recall, for example, what happened in June and July of this year. More specifically, Prague airport. Václav Havel or Ruzyn, take your pick.

You probably did not miss what happened here. There were not enough people at the airport to load and unload the aircraft and handle the passengers as they wished. I can confirm this because I was flying overseas at that very moment.

letadlo na nebi

Many passengers\’ luggage did not depart with their owners. How was the airport? Actually, he was relatively indifferent. Yes, there had been a mistake, but the luggage would simply be taken to its owner on a later flight. Besides, the delayed luggage has the added advantage of being delivered to his own address. In my case, I took a 30-minute airport cab ride to the hotel where I was staying.

I wonder how many delayed luggage there were. And how many extra times did someone have to take bags away from people? And how much did it cost to get the delayed bags to their owners? Someone has to pay for it. We know who that should be.

cizí peníze

Or the delay in check-in. Even if I didn\’t ask for anything, I was automatically given a voucher for a light meal at check-in. That\’s the way it is. Or rather, they have to. And even if we leave aside what you can buy with a 250 kroner voucher at the Prague airport, someone certainly has to pay for all the people who had to be issued such vouchers because of the airport\’s shenanigans.

I think there are at least several hundred thousand crowns flying around. I cannot estimate how many people were affected by the lack of airport staff. I can\’t even do the math because I wasn\’t there the whole time. But someone has to pay the bill in the end. And who do you think that is?
