Since you have bought a real Christmas tree, you want to enjoy it together as long as possible. No one enjoys the sight of a tired, drooping branch dropping needles, which relentlessly snag on socks and other clothing, while simultaneously spreading spectacularly throughout the apartment.
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A few simple rules are enough to keep the Christmas spirit alive.

If you get a cut Christmas tree, make sure you know where it came from and when it was cut. Trees harvested from farms in Bohemia offer better quality because they are not burdened with difficult transportation and are stored in the right place.
Once brought home, the trees should be placed in a container with water and stored in a cool place. Before placing it in a cool place, small pieces of caraway should be cut off and sealed, usually with pitch. This way, the moisture is absorbed by the tree. During the Christmas season, the tree can “drink” up to 5 liters of water. Do not cut the cloves. The tree absorbs water in a web under the bark, so if you cut the tree, no water will come in.
After the Christmas vacation is over, the tree can be composted or taken to a collection site.
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Live potted trees
Caring for live potted trees is a bit more difficult. They need to be gradually brought to room temperature. Move them to a cellar or garage and keep them at a temperature of 5-10°C for a few days. After a few days, move it to an unheated area at 15-18°C. Before the Christmas vacations, move the tree to a heated room and leave it there for a short time. During this time, adequate watering is essential, but be careful not to overwater. After the Christmas vacations, move the tree in the reverse order. First move it to an unheated area of the house, then to an area where the temperature is between 1 and 5 degrees Celsius. The tree should be moved outdoors only on days when there is no danger of frost.
Despite these careful steps, the tree may not survive because it cannot handle the temperature difference.

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