Everyone has a reputation. And since society is made up of people, it also has some reputation for its civic reputation. Whatever the company is, even ours.

And what is being said or said about us? Maybe you know it, maybe you don\’t, but they say it is. I sell to buy.
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– We Czechs may be doing a different job than overseas. In the West, a person schedules what he has to do, and then does it so that he can only do it during working hours, but in our East, he has a few glasses of vodka and at least see if he can do something, but in our country, he can work in a hurry at an unprecedented pace. It is said that it is happy to be able to do it. And that means we can get it done as soon as possible so we can spend the rest of our working hours hanging out. Even if that doesn\’t apply everywhere, I\’m sure you know such people.

– We are a country of Swedes. And instead of standing up for our rights, we often make fun of our own burdens. And I\’m sure there\’s something in it. Instead of trampling on our feet and pulling at least the sharpest case off the wall, look at how we continue to swear politics. On the contrary, we choose them again and again, saying that no one will find anything better.

– It is said that we own the famous Czech odezdikezism. That is, the state when we basically move in only 1 direction in one direction, at some point we reconsider our view and often throw ourselves in the completely opposite direction. And this statement is actually true. Just look at our modern history and you will understand.

– And it is also said that Czech girls are the most beautiful in the whole world. And if nothing else, this is what I really want to believe. Maybe because I myself am a Czech girl and such an assessment logically makes me feel good.
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What about you? What do you think we Czechs are? Think about it. Because only after such reflection can we atone for what we do not like. If the old joke about us still applies:

“People say you\’re phlegm. What do you say?

“I don\’t care.“

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