It is understandable that, like everything, our society is constantly evolving. For example, we have very different values than people 100 years ago, and what was common then is strange today, and vice versa. No wonder many wonder where our society is headed. But it is not so easy to judge.

každý stát má jiné hodnoty

There are more influences at work here than one might think. It is primarily sociopolitical pressures that are driving us in different directions. This is because parties and politicians are trying to appeal to different kinds of voters and have different goals. And the party in power determines the direction of society accordingly. Of course, the situation is not always immediately obvious, since the parties change virtually every election and there is always an opposition party.

Then there are global events like the Covite pandemic and the current war in Ukraine. But here it all depends on how these events are reported by the media. And here it also depends on who owns the media and what their goals are. Indeed, in the case of commercial broadcasters, the goal is often not to influence the mood of society in any way, but to gain as many viewers as possible. That is why they broadcast as exaggeratedly as possible – because that is the only way to get people\’s attention. The fact that they also influence the direction of society is of little interest to them.

dnes směřujeme k větší toleranci

So where are we headed today? The general trend so far, which of course varies from country to country, is toward greater tolerance and recognition of minority rights. Indeed, many people protest this today, even some governments. But this seems to be a trend that modern society is following.

But we must remember that all of this could be only temporary. We do not know if some global event will change that. The upcoming US presidential election is one example. This too will have an impact on world events. Thus, it is clear that social development is not virtually certain.